Monday, April 26, 2010

NetGenEd 2010 Final Review

Flat Classroom Project

This was one of the most unique projects I have been a part of. There were students from around the world working together to complete a project. Students prepared, planned, and worked out all of the steps to create a wiki space. Seeing the students work together (electronically) is what makes this a neat project, and illuminates the fact that our World is changing, and that we must change along with it.

For the project, we accepted the title of “Expert Advisors,” and the idea for an expert advisor is to assist the various groups, and provide advice and feedback as the students complete their project. There are several Expert Advisors for each of the six different topics:

1. Mobile Computing 2. Open Content 3. Electronic Books

4. Simple Augmented Reality 5. Gesture-based Computing 4. Visual Data Analysis

Throughout the project, there was a number of different programs and applications that I learned about, and one of them was “” This application is similar to the popular social networking site Facebook, however this program is designed to accommodate the education field. There are a lot of the same features as Facebook such as sharing pictures, posting on each others walls, and provides information about the user. The first objective we had as Expert Advisors was to create our own Ning. The idea of having the Ning, is to provide a personal introduction so that the students in my group have an idea of who I am. Each of the members inside of my group also has Nings, so it is easy to meet everyone.

As an introduction for this project, Dr. Z. explained a new concept to me, the “Millennial Generation.” I have not heard of this until now, and I believe that it makes sense to me. I am a part of perhaps the fastest growing generation in “the history of generations” (if you will.) The facts that were presented prior to this project put the idea into perspective. Like every generation, we too were shaped by events, such as September 11th, texting, and Facebook. We tend to have open views on political issues, and with the development of the internet, we demand information quickly, and we get it. With the new technology and media there is today, information, such as the war, gets to the newsstands and news stations sooner than it ever has.

Going on with the Millennials, technology is what practically shaped this generation. In the year 2007, a sample of about 8000 college students took a survey, and the survey revealed that 97% of all students owned a computer, and about 94% owned cell phones. Even within my four years at the University of Northern Iowa, I have seen the shift in technology, and experienced the effects it has on society. Who would of ever thought texting while driving would be an issue, let alone illegal to do? The video from Don Tapscott puts into perspective “Growing up Digital,” which is an extremely powerful piece.

Our role in the project got off to a slow start, as we had some technical difficulties when trying to Skype with Mrs. Davis, but we eventually got the teleconference going. It was pretty neat using the technology like Skype and the programs to allow us to see her computer screen. Right away this got me interested in the project because we were using technology that was new to me, which is always challenging.

I signed up for the “Visual Data Analysis” group, basically because I did not know anything about the subject, and there is no other way to learn better than putting yourself to the challenge. According to the group I am advising, the idea of Visual Data Analysis is “reorganize information/data that gets collected.” An example of Visual Data Analysis that we used in our Classroom Computer Application class would be GoogleDocs. The user can create questions and the respondent can answer the questions over the internet, and the data that gets collected is organized within GoogleDocs making it very easy for the user.

Throughout the duration of this project, I witnessed students collaborating together, and working out problems that arise, and coming to a solution. It was neat to sit back and observe the interaction, and how students from every different area of the globe can work together freely. Within the Wiki there is a “Discussion” tab where members of the group can communicate with one another. There are even tools to see what has been edited, and what has changed, since the last time the project was saved. I liked this idea because as an Expert Advisor I could easily see what has been done to the project.

After my time was over, I realized all of the different media types used throughout this project. It is easy to make a PowerPoint, or type up a ten page paper; however this project uses a variety that leaves the users many options. The organizational make up of this project was superb, with several different individuals in charge, and hundreds of students in different schools throughout the World. It was truly amazing to be a part of such a high-profile collaboration. Improvements are always needed, and in the case of this project, if we would have started organizing earlier than we did, or were aware of the final paper and could have had more time to prepare. Other than that the overall project went fairly well.

Communication is what makes us human. Throughout this project there were many different forms of communication such as the traditional email, discussion posts, and wikis. To the new technology introduced to me such as the social networking site, Ning, and others like Skype and Eluminate. Some of this was new technology to me such as Skype and the Eluminate program. I am always up for learning new information that can be useful to me as a future teacher.

I have never experienced group interaction in the way which this assignment was set up. I was in ‘awe’ from the beginning. As an educator, this project would be extremely interesting to see how your students interact with others using different forms of communication. Since the students these days are growing up intertwined with technology, the more you use it, the more motivation there will be. If I were a student, I would be very interested in this project. The idea of the “Millenial Generation” is interesting in itself, but when you can work with technology to express that idea, its better.

My overall reaction to this whole assignment is fairly good, as I enjoyed collaborating and being a guide to a new “set” of students. I worked with students that I will never meet, yet I have shaped their educational background in one way or another. I can definitely see telecollaboration and other similar ideas to the Flat Classroom Project in the future. Especially with budgets being cut, and the internet still being free, projects like this would work for classes that might not get to go on field trips or anything like that. I could using the Skype and Eluminate programs instead of going on field trips. Companies or professionals can Skype with a classroom and talk about zoo animals, what it is like to work in a factory, or even talk with schools or people from around the globe. The world is indeed flat, and we can access information from the other side of the globe, in just seconds. That is what is truly amazing.

Journal 1

Today, we were introduced to the Flat Classroom Project, and the term Millennial Generation. I have never heard of this term before, and the things that we discovered, somewhat coincide with the actions of my peers. We looked around the NetGenEd wiki, and got familiar with what the project entails, and how it is going to span out over the next few months.

Journal 2

Today, we were introduced a new program. This program is called Ning, and it is similar to the popular social networking site, Facebook, but has different features making it useful in education and professional settings. We were also introduced to the project as Expert Advisors and Dr. Z told us what we were supposed to do, and how it was going to work. We were also introduced several of the categories in which we could choose as an Expert Advisor.

Journal 3

Today we had a teleconference with one of the leaders of this project, Vikki Davis, and I believe she was in Texas (not sure) which was pretty neat. There was slight technical delays, but that is always going to happen. Mrs. Davis explained what we were going to be doing as Expert Advisors and I started gaining interest. The way the project is set up is so cool, and the fact that I can work with students from different backgrounds is astonishing. I chose to work with the Visual Data Analysis group, because this was something that I knew little about, and felt that I can only learn new information which is going to benefit me.

Journal 4

I introduced myself to my group, and read through what they had of the project. Another student in my class, Amanda, is an Expert Advisor as well, which is helpful. I offered several suggestions to the Data Analysis group, and provided feedback on how I thought the project was going. So far, the project is going well, and there are just a few minor kinks that should eventually get worked out.

Journal 5

Today I read through the project again, and observed any changes that have been made sense the last time I checked. There were several changes made according to my suggestions, and some of the kinks were still in the project. I offered some spelling and grammatical feedback to the students, and told them that I know they are not done with the project, but don’t forget to “polish” up the overall appearance when we are done. The project is going on the right track, and it was fun to see these students collaborate together throughout the past few weeks, none of which was working together “directly,” however long distance which is truly special.

Other Opportunities

This is a tellecollaboration project using literacy. I could use this in when teaching reading or writing and possibly have my students work with a group of students from a different area, tellecollaborativly, sharing letters or reading stories to each other.

This is another project about literacy. Students learn to use email, and communicate with others using email. This would be easy to use in my classroom, because students are growing up with instant messaging and email, so this would be beneficial to them as a young learner.

further down the screen, there is another project where students use their math and science skills. I thought this one was really cool, because students plant the same flower, in different areas of the world, and take measurements and data. They interpret the data and organize and graph it using technology. This could be used in my classroom easily, and since I like math and technology, this would be a good one to use.

Monday, March 22, 2010

80 degrees and Sunny

Ironically, my teacher just got a smart-board and she doesn't know how to use it! Unfortunately I do not know how to use it either, but I am certainly going to find out. The online walk-through should help. Each of the classrooms have two computers (macs) and the school as a large computer lab (macs). The school also has two classroom carts, which include a printer on them which I thought was a good idea. Tomorrow is "computer class," and I told my teacher that I could handle it. We'll see :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunny State of Mind

I just landed in Arizona yesterday, and couldn't complain. Apparently it was "cold" down here, when it was a whopping 60 degrees. Must be rough. I will be updating my blog throughout the week I am in Gilbert. Go Panthers!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Schoooooools outttt for the SPRING!

It is almost spring break, and I did not fully get prepared for it until now. Adrenaline is rushing through me as I prepare to teach for a week in ARIZONA! Since 5th grade I've wanted to be a teacher, and since 3rd grade I've wanted to live in Arizona! Finally, I am almost there. I will be keeping a blog throughout my experience for the purpose of using technology :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lincoln School Visit

We visited Lincoln Elementary School on Thursday, March 4th, 2010. My initial reaction to the school was very impressed. We were welcomed by the principal, whom helped us amongst her probably hectic schedule. I could tell that she enjoyed her job, which helped reassure myself on becoming a teacher :)

We first visited a 6th grade classroom, whom at the time was working on math. As we entered the room, the students were not startled, yet they welcomed us in which was nice. The teacher kept on teaching, and the students continued working. Within the classroom, there is a microphone/speaker setup. The principal informed us that the students have benefited greatly from this investment, and I can see why, as it is easy for the teacher to use, and helps auditory learners as well.

Each and every student in the school has a Gmail account, which could be very useful in many ways. Having a unified system like gmail, the technology teacher is able to manage and maintain order among 5oo students. These Gmail accounts are used for a number of reasons, and reasons that until I was informed by an actual teacher, I would not of believed. For example, elementary students are able to use their Gmail accounts to access GoogleDocs, which is an online collaborative website. Also with this account, students are able to use wikis and blogs which are also beneficial to learning.

I beleive that this would fit under the "Appropriations Stage." Meaning that the shift of technology use is being done by the students. Students have "rights" to their own email address/account, so they are liable for their actions. Giving students responsibility for their work, is beneficial to growth and development. There are always ways to enhance aspects of education, and I believe that by having accounts for students, they are able to collaborate with other students from other areas. So if a teacher wanted to set up some sort of "pen-pal" or similar idea with another school, the students can exchange via email and other software available. I liked how Lincoln had a gmail account for each student.

Another feature that I did not know about until my visit to Lincoln was "school tube." There are so many benefits of having YouTube and TeacherTube, but SchoolTube is a step further. According to my understanding the students are able to have broadcasts and present information to other students in the school. One idea that was expressed during our presentation was the fact that the PE teacher taped an activity that the students liked in particular. This is very useful because the classroom teacher can play this video whenever the students need some time to relax etc. I thought that was really neat.

I beleive that this application would fall under the second stage. If I understood it right, the students have little control over what is being done, however they still have input. In order to enhance this idea, a teacher could collaborate with another teacher, and possibly create "weather shows" about two different regions of the US. The students from the respective regions can put together a "weather channel" show and teach the students from the other region about the difference in weather. There are endless possibilities to do with SchoolTube.

Finally, the last thing I am going to talk about is the blogs that several teachers at Lincoln had set up. The principal stated that the Cedar Falls School District is in the process of unifying the blogs, and putting some regulations on them. I can agree with this idea, as sometimes there can be too many different styles, and the validity is lost. I believe that this also falls under the second stage, and the fact that it is teacher-directed and there is little work done by the student. However if used correctly, I believe that the student can have more power in the blog, and perhaps each student have their own blog where they can share their work and allow other students to comment.

Students learn best through social communication. In today's world, social communication can be through technology. I liked the idea that students are able to respond to others, but why not open it up more, and consolidate with "sister-schools" and open up the walls of your classroom to the open "flat" world.
